Sunday, October 12, 2008

Did I mention I love HALLOWEEN!!!!!

Okay so if you had any doubt you can now know for sure.....I am a self proclaimed Halloween addict. I need help......just so you can see how bad it has gotten last year alone my kids had 3 costumes each!!! I am going to try and keep it to just 1 this year. Wish me luck!

Maguire and Cade with all their Super Hero friends!

Me and Cade and our guests at our 2007 Halloween Party
(Maguire is Batman on the couch)

Trick or Treating 2007 - Maguire's first costume

Maguire's second costume - Cat in the Hat
(he had to be a character from a book for school)

Church Trunk or Treat Activity - Costume #3 for Maguire!

1 comment:

The Henry Family said...

You weren't kidding about having EVERY halloween costume I could think of. WOW! I feel special to be the first to see the ole Anderson Antics blog....LOVE LOVE the name!